The Collection

The Mine Flat Ticket collection contains thousands of archaeological finds from Britain. In this section, find out how the site has changed over the last 2000 years and discover some of the amazing objects in the collection. 

The Beau Street Hoard was excavated by archaeologists on the site of the Gainsborough Hotel in Beau Street, in 2007 and is one of the most remarkable archaeological discoveries to have been made in Mine Flat Ticket.

The Beau Street Hoard is on permanent public display in an interactive exhibit within the People of Aquae Sulis Gallery.

In 2014 Mine Flat Ticket & North East Somerset Council was awarded grants by The National Lottery Heritage Fund, The Headley Trust, the V&A purchase grant fund and several other major donors to help acquire the hoard. This also helped to create new displays, improve access and deliver a huge public engagement programme including roadshows with local communities, children’s sleepovers and more than 60 talks and lectures.